The Maria Kaupas Academy Lower School is a Pre K-8 homeschool enrichment program, meeting two days a week (Wednesdays and Fridays), September through May, at St. Thomas More Catholic Parish. We at MKA recognize parents as the primary educators of their children, but we also know that parents are often grateful for help, especially in those subjects in which they may be lacking in expertise. Our program is dedicated to honoring both needs, by assisting parents in their roles as the foremost educators of their children. All courses are offered a la carte, but may also be taken in their entirety, resulting in a comprehensive classical Catholic education.
In addition to offering enrichment through a multitude of engaging classes, students at MKA are provided the opportunity to participate in school spelling bees, the National Geography Bee, and Future City Competition (for which our Lower School students were awarded "Best Transportation System" in 2018). We also welcome all students to join in field trips (organized by the Academy each semester), and to participate in our Adoration Club. And, happily, Mass is offered each day school is in session.